Sunday, January 30, 2011

dream big.

dreaming big requires a lot of discipline.  when you find the one thing you love, and can't live borders on obsession.  every waking moment is spent getting yourself one step closer to your goal.  somehow, we manifest our dreams into realities, and slowly but surly we make our way to our final destination.  it's the beauty in the breakdown, and the struggle of obtaining our goals that inspires us to keep trying and never accept defeat.  these breakdowns lead to breakthroughs, and only make us that much more appreciative when we have accomplished something, no matter how small the task.  it's the collection of the small moments in life, that make us smile, making everything worth living for. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011


i hear the clock ticking away, and i begin to feel a slight hint of discouragement, like each second is wasted because nothing is happening right here and now.  but in reality each second that passes is a new moment, a new memory that can now be encompassed into my repertoire to later be called upon in a time of need. 

<<time is a funny thing and everything happens when it's meant to's just a matter of having the patience and drive to persist>>

Monday, January 10, 2011

set free.

it's never easy to walk away,
the heartbreak weighs heavy on your shoulders
the unaviodable truth is lurking,
you're forced to accept defeat.  

endless tears roll down your cheek, 
a waterfall constantly flowing and cascading.
you pray to run out of tears, they are relentless.
gasping for air, you exhale. 

innocent love will find you again,
the laws of the universe are convincing
set free you take flight,
hope is the light that guides you. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

a fresh start.

i believe it's important to go to bed and wake up with a smile on your face.  no matter how awful or upset one may feel at any given moment there is always something in life worth smiling about.  without the acknowledgment of what it is you appreciate and what makes you happy, these thoughts are unable to manifest themselves into a reality.  tonight i smile because the dreams are about to become the reality.  on that note i post my first blog post ever...and say goodnight, fading into a dream like consciousness before crossing into the realm of endless possibilities.