Friday, July 15, 2016

fall together.

i'm tumbling, bumbling, plummeting faster and faster.  my stomach hangs in free fall as i try to decipher which way is up.  i can't.  i keep waiting for the impact but it never seems to come.  i'm pretty sure my fear of the impact will be worse than the hit.  but, if i can just reach the bottom i can start the journey back to the top.  or perhaps i'm falling upward?  maybe i'll land somewhere among the stars.  that's a nice thought.  with each passing moment or hour or day the momentum keeps building.  there's no way to stop it and there's no way out.  or there is... but...  life is funny like that.  i'd love a pause button, or a hold on just a brief second and let me orient myself.  but no, somehow that's too logical and not at all how it works.  so i continue to fall.  i guess if i embrace the journey it's not too bad.  it's kinda exhilarating not knowing where you're headed or how things will end up.  luckily i'm not the only one, i see blurs zooming around me... i guess we're all in this together.  sometimes we collide with others, that's the only time we're sure we're not in this alone though.  i think it's why we're all so addicted to finding someone to take this leap with.  makes it a tiny bit less scary knowing we're connected to one another.  so we fall through life colliding and collecting on our way up or down.  we link together and suddenly we become a net catching more and more people.  we begin to form a point of reference amongst ourselves and can laugh and smile and sing and suddenly falling doesn't really feel like falling.  i think that's what living feels like.  

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